We have in collaboration with Premier PTC of U.S.A., designed, fabricated & supplied Gas Slurry Reactor(s) upto 5 MT capacity for critical applications like Hydrogenation and are working excellently.
We have supplied Helical Screw Agitated vessels for high viscosity fluid ,above 2,00,000 cP (Garware Polyster Limited) and similarly for medium viscosity levels of 15,000cP. we have supplied up-down interference flow agitated vessels.
We have designed and developed film flow type of exchangers for fluids, which are heat sensitive, viscous, flowing at low flow rate and finally allowing only low pressure drop while either cooling or heating /evaporating.
Being a highly viscous & non-newtonian fluid the heat transfer and pressure drop calculations are tricky. The tube to tube sheet joint plays more important part in soap heat exchangers as stainless steel are susceptible to stress corrosion cracking.